Earth Day 2012: An Economic Suicide Pact?

It’s difficult . . .

to put things in perspective at times. A little over 150 years ago we fought a great Civil War. Armies of foot soldiers walked, and teams of horses hauled the supplies. Oil had not yet been discovered near Titusville, PA, and Thomas Edison and NikolaTesla were not yet exploring the wonders of AC and DC electrical current. Tiny Wabash, Indiana became the first electrically lighted city in the world a mere 132 years ago.

Such wonders of advancement, dare I say progress,  that we have witnessed in such a short time since then. America has been blessed with huge supplies of coal, oil, and natural gas, which allowed us to harness energy beyond the simple mill-dam crushing wheat seed into flour. Coal was easily mined, which heated our houses and buildings much more efficiently than using wood as our predecessors did, and with the discovery of electricity, coal could be used to make steam to efficiently drive electrical turbines and distribute power wherever a power-line could reach.

We owe our current modern way of life to these early and unencumbered scientists and pioneers.

Why are some in our society doing their best to convince us to enter into a suicide pact? Here is what I would do if I wanted America to fail. What would Henry Ford say if he were alive today?

Plentiful, cheap energy is what has allowed and driven our nation to be great.