On Skipping Class

A 16 YO says: “I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day.”

I say, whose fault is it that she “feels fear”? I suggest it is solely due to a politicized scientific hoax perpetuated by politicians and educators in order to institute even more central government control by the ruling class over peoples lives and life-style. Of course, at 16, she is obviously too ignorant to realize that.

Our planet has not warmed significantly over the last two decades. It has pretty much flat-lined, in fact. That doesn’t stop the warming alarmists from spreading lies as fact, with the result that our youth are getting worked up into a panicked frenzy. It’s a marxist trap.

Our earth has been warming for roughly the last four or five hundred years after emerging from the Little Ice Age. That is a good thing too. Many geologists and climatologists say that we are over-due for another little ice age, and that is far more scary to me than a degree or two of warming over the next century.

Do you want to eliminate green house gases? We’d all be dead, life on earth would cease to exist. 95% of GHG is simply water vapor. You know, clouds. Vegetation loves CO2 as well. It is not a pollutant, CO2 is the basis for life on earth. Animals, including mammals like us, eat carbon-based stuff, inhale oxygen, and oxidize the food which is exactly the same as a bonfire, in order to use the nutrients and energy contained. We exhale CO2 as a by-product.

Plants, on the other hand, strip the carbon out of CO2 as a food source, and release the O2, oxygen. Plants love CO2. It’s the circle of life, literally. While we have been increasing CO2 from 300 PPM to 400 PPM, commercial greenhouses typically increase CO2 to 1200 PPM. Our planet earth has seen many times with much higher levels of CO2 than 400 PPM.

It would be a good thing if we end the man-caused global scare-mongering concerning this issue. Now.

Students around the world skip class to demand action on climate

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