On the ACA and Pre-Existing Conditions

Question and Answer:


Trump and most of the politicians I’ve heard all said they will protect pre existing so I don’t know why its such an issue?


All Republicans campaigned on a full repeal of the ACA during the ’16 campaign. McConnell himself said they would rip it out root and branch. Once elected, it somehow became “repeal and replace”. 

They didn’t rip it out root and branch. Instead they tried a very complicated two-step boogie to fix the damn thing. It didn’t work.

The pollsters reported that the people liked the pre-existing conditions mandate. The problem with that is that it encourages uninsured people to stay uninsured until they face a critical health issue. This is what Obamacare tried to address with the individual mandate, which is now repealed under the tax reform bill earlier this year. The biggest issue with pre-existing conditions under the ACA is that it spread the costs out only among those in the private health insurance market.

There are lots of other issues with the ACA which are unnecessary, violates the doctor-patient relationship and mandates all sorts of reporting, forbids private doctors from opening or expanding an existing private practice hospital, and mandates so-called minimum coverages which affects group coverage as well.

Most Obamacare enrollees were simply dumped into Medicaid, while stealing 787 billion from Medicare.

Those who were productive, had previous private health insurance coverage and didn’t qualify for a subsidy found that they could not keep their doctor or insurance. Their new Obamacare premiums had doubled and their co-pays and deductibles increased by up to 500%. Even some who were subsidized found that they could not afford to use the insurance.

Obamacare was never meant to fix anything, it was meant to fail, with democrats hoping for an outcry for Medicare for All. AKA, single-payer, with the government making all meaningful health care decisions for all of us. Sound familiar? Medicare for all, really means healthcare for none. All current private, group, and employer plans will vanish overnight, including current Medicare plans.

Obamacare still needs a full repeal. If we want to cover pre-existing conditions we can certainly do that outside of traditional insurance plans by adding some language to current Medicaid law, spreading the base out to everyone, not being restricted to private health insurance as is the case today. You can’t buy home insurance when your home is burning down, so why should anyone expect to move that burden to the private health insurance market?

There are lots of ways that we can drive down health insurance costs, while maintaining or even improving health care. Obamacare rejected all of them.


On Whigs, RINOs and Federalists

On Whigs, RINOs and Federalists

It is worth noting that the Whigs took less than four years to totally disintegrate once the GOP began. The establishment GOP today (which seems to be most of them, including my representative) are nothing more than Democrat-Lite. If I wanted a Democrat, I would vote for one. Pretending that the GOP is some kind of distinctive difference from Democrats for anything other than national defense is pure fantasy.

Repealing Obamacare is not amending it. Yet the RINOs insist on amending the PPACA, and also passing yet another CR which maintains funding for Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, the OTM refugees from Central America, and continuing DACA in practice which is no different than the Democrat position.

I’m so sick of the lies from the GOP, they say they will repeal, and once we vote them in, they only want to amend. I’m sick of their cowardice. They need to be held accountable to do what they said they would do, and they have fallen way short. Couldn’t hit the broad-side of a barn as we say here in the Hoosier State.

Yesterday I was treated to back to back RINOs on FNC. Kasich, Graham, and McCarthy. If FNC keeps that up, I will be done with them too.

I’m no longer a Republican, I’m a Federalist now.

Federalist Party – Smaller Government for Americans

It’s past time to do something. The time is now!

Nuke the ACA!

It comes as no surprise to me that establishment RINOs are reneging on their promise to repeal Obamacare, instead, they are simply proposing to amend it. We should totally nuke the ACA, as we were promised.


The Rs are lying when they say this is the only way they can repeal Obamacare, what they aren’t telling you is that they are not repealing it. The Ds are lying too, when they say everything is hunky-doory. It is not.

RINO: Repeal In Name Only. Here are the first lines of the RINO establishment version of “repeal”. It really only amends.

Budget Reconciliation Legislative Recommendations Relating to Repeal and Replace of the Patient Protection and Afford-able Care Act
Subtitle A—Patient Access to
Public Health Programs
(a) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (b) of section 4002 of
the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (42
U.S.C. 300u–11), as amended by section 5009 of the 21st
Century Cures Act, is amended—<<


This does not repeal the ACA, folks, it only amends it, and leaves the worst pillars of Obamacare in place. Do we really need another albatross of national health care? It is still completely unconstitutional, and is just as likely, if not more so, to collapse.  

Continue reading Nuke the ACA!

Don’t Hold Your Breath

Over 80% of Obamacare enrollees actually got Medicaid. Keeping offspring on your family plan is an easy thing to do, but it should still be left to the states, since the feds have no constitutional jurisdiction to be meddling in the health insurance market anyway.

Mandating insuring pre-existing conditions takes it out of the realm of insurance, it’s like buying home-owners insurance when your house is on fire, and demanding that the insurance company sell it to you. That is not insurance, it is welfare, and under Obamacare, everyone else pays the difference for those with pre-existing conditions. 

I would suggest that a welfare solution for those with pre-existing conditions would be a better solution, that is pretty much what everyone gets in socialized medicine countries, like the NHS in Britain, and whatever they call it in Canada. For the libs who claim via UN data that Cuba has better health care, get real. I don’t see anyone flocking to Cuba for health care, while American hospital parking lots are jammed with cars with Canadian plates near the border. Those patients are paying cash, or have private insurance over and above the Canadian socialized plan.

Obama and the Dems destroyed our health insurance for 300 million people in order to sign up less than three million actual enrollees, and most of them were subsidized by the rest of us. Over six million lost their insurance. Typical communist/socialists don’t worry too much about that, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet they will tell you. What they won’t tell you is that their centralized federal solution is not only unconstitutional, it also sends us all on a race to the bottom. 

After all, it’s only “fair” that we all be equally miserable.

A truly free market is much, much better. We haven’t had that in health care since WWII. We owe that to socialist utopian FDR during WWII. He froze wages during the war, so in order to compete for talent, companies began adding “benefits” to employment agreements. Unions were all up with that, they called pensions and health insurance “health and welfare”. Portability for health insurance has been an issue ever since.

I was born 60 years ago, the attending physician was my parents (and mine too, until he retired when I was 12 or so) family doctor. His bill was five dollars. (in today’s dollars it might have been 500 bucks). This was before Medicare was enacted under LBJ when the feds began setting rates. Our health care system has went downhill ever since, even though prices have sky-rocketed, especially due to Obamacare, with something like 2700 pages of mandates in the original bill, not counting the hundreds of thousands of pages of regulations that came along with it.

Just repeal the damn thing. Be done with it. There is also one other statute that needs to be repealed, this was also done by FDR, I think around 1934. It made it illegal to sell health insurance across state lines, by giving it an exemption to the commerce clause. I have no idea why no one is talking about this in the media today of any sort.

Holding ACA Repeal Hostage to Replace Will Seal Its Defeat

If I’ve learned anything about Republican RINOs, it is that they can screw up a wet dream. I’m pretty sure that they will screw this up too.

The Unaffordable Deadline TAkes!

Get your Obamacare by midnight tomorrow or face a penalty. Heck, just drop something in your basket, you might get covered even if you don’t check out*.

The missing 777 is still a mystery, the FBI breaks up a plot to traffic in military grade small arms, including shoulder fired rocket launchers, and the administration moves to give away control of the Domain Name System to the world…to foster “good will”????

Here is the

Late March Unaffordable RichTAkes!

[* just kidding, I’m not advising anyone to visit healthcare.gov for any reason]

last-ditch effort from our First health insurance salesman, on SNL

Democrats sinking in sea of charges

California Democrat And Gun Control Advocate Charged With Arms Trafficking

just the tip of the iceberg of the real culture of corruption, and they all have a (D) after their name

Wyoming welder faces $75,000 a day in EPA fines for building pond on his property

He had permits in hand, and built his pond legally. It’s difficult to imagine an illegal pond at any rate, unless you work for the EPA.

On Weddings and Conscience: Are Christians Hypocrites?

An interesting, thought-provoking read.

Open the floodgates? Indiana becomes first state to scrap Common Core

Hoosiers taking the lead in the race to restore Common Sense again.

Harry Reid is even worse than Joe Biden. Reid really means it.

Biden: ‘11 Million Undocumented Aliens Are Already Americans in My View’

On the other hand…

Harry Reid’s FEC Whoopsie Not His First

Just the tip of Reid’s corruption ice-berg. Cowboy Poetry, anyone?

Comrade Majority Leader Reid going off the deep end. “Our tax system is a voluntary system”

Related: Harry Reid’s Two Minutes Hate

Glorious Majority Senate Leader’s Koch obsession becomes a full-fledged mania.

Reid on need for ObamaCare extension: People ‘not educated’ about Internet

Surprise! White House To Delay ‘Firm’ Obamacare Enrollment Deadline Past March

It’s time for White House to start sweating over legal challenge to Obamacare subsidies

this one could change everything

Continue reading The Unaffordable Deadline TAkes!

Rich TAkes! On Hyde and IUDs, Plan B

In 1976, Congress was over-whelmingly controlled by Democrats, and was continually until 1994 when Republicans gained control of the House for the first time in 40 years. In 2006, Pelosi took up the gavel once again.

The Hyde “amendment” prohibited federal payments for abortion, and was attached to family planning and Medicaid bills, as well as foreign aid.

Fast-forward to 2009, when the Obamacare debate was in full swing. Bart Stupak (D, MI) along with ten or so Democrat colleagues could not support the ACA without certain language prohibiting abortion and aborticides being covered in the bill. His amendment was added to the House Bill, but not the Senate version which was passed by hook or by crook. Obama promised to issue an Executive Order to secure these votes.

He issued the EO, but it wasn’t worth the paper it was written on, as predicted.

Now we have close to 100 lawsuits traveling through the Courts over the HHS mandate that their employee health insurance cover all forms of “contraception”, including aborticides such as Inter Uterine Devices (IUDs), and the morning after pill which effectively abort conceived life.

This mandate was written by Sebelious and HHS after the law was enacted and is an affront to the first Amendment guarantees of freedom of religion. Plaintiffs include Notre Dame, Hobby Lobby, and the Sisters of the Poor. The Supremes will issue a ruling sometime in June.

Stupak declined to run for re-election. The Democrats purged their party of all moderates following the passage of Obamacare, which resulted in the Republicans retaking the House in the 2010 mid-terms.